Popoki Peace Project のサイトは現在、リニューアル中です。
ポーポキ通信・Popoki News

Newsletter No.234 2025.2.25発行
February! It is so cold! Popoki wants to do even very small things so that it is a spring without war, conflict, bullying, hunger, or disaster. How about joining him?

Newsletter No.233 2025.1.25発行
Happy New Year! Thank you for your cooperation this year, too!
Let's make it a year of peace!

Newsletter No.232 2024.12.23発行
December! Let’s make 2025 a year of peace for every living thing!

Newsletter No.231 2024.11.25発行
November! What can we do to create many moments for people everywhere to enjoy being alive and to live in peace? Let’s actively search for a way!

Newsletter No.230 2024.10.25発行
October! Popoki is happy that Hidankyo won the Nobel Peace Prize. Congratulations, Hidankyo! We’ll work hard, too!

Newsletter No.229 2024.9.26発行
September! Popoki is worried about the world. He is worried about all those suffering from the many disasters and wars around the world. Are you worried, too? Let's work together to create peace! To get ready, you need a smile and your imagination!

Newsletter No.228 2024.8.26発行
August! Popoki loves living and living things! He loves smiles and kindness. He says “No!” to violence, and thinks that if we work together, we can find other ways to solve differences and create a better world for everyone.

Newsletter No.227 2024.7.24発行
7月!ポーポキは生きることも生き物も大好きです! この世にあるすばらしい生き物を発見することも大好き!ポーポキは、命や笑顔を奪う戦争や暴力に対して、「ノー!」と叫びますす。あなたと一緒に、世界中に平和と笑顔をつくるためにがんばりたいと思っています!
July! Popoki loves living and living things! He loves discovering all the wonderful living creatures in the world! Popoki says ‘No!’ to wars and violence that destroys life and takes smiles from people’s faces. He wants to work together with you to create peace and smiles everywhere!

Newsletter No.226 2024.6.24発行
6月!ポーポキは生きることも生き物も大好きです!命や笑顔を奪う戦争がいやだ!殺し合いもいやだ! 世界中に平和と笑顔をつくるためにみんなで力を合わせたい!
June! Popoki says ‘No!’ to wars that destroy life and take smiles from people’s faces. He says ‘No!’ to killing, too!
He wants everyone to work together to create peace and smiles everywhere!

Newsletter No.225 2024.5.26発行
5月!5月!ポーポキも泣いている。ポーポキは大きな声で「戦争も環境破壊もジェノサイドもノー!」と叫んでいます。 同時にやさしい声で「今日は、あなたが接するすべての人に親切するに良い日だ!
May! Popoki is crying, too. He is crying in a loud voice. No more war! No more starvation! No more genocide! No more destruction of the earth! And he is crying in a gentle voice, too, saying, “Today is a great day for being nice to everyone you encounter!

Newsletter No.224 2024.4.26発行
April! Colorful flowers!
Popoki wants to deliver those flowers, along with good food and lots of safety, to people around the world suffering from war, starvation, and genocide!

Newsletter No.223 2024.3.24発行
March! War. Genocide. Popoki says, “No more!!!!”
How about you?

Newsletter No.222 2024.2.26発行
2月!ポーポキは「戦争をやめろ!」と。 みなさんも?
February! Popoki says, “No more war!” How about you?

Newsletter No.221 2024.1.25発行
January! Happy New Year!
May it be a year of peace for all!

December! The year is almost over, but there is so much war, conflict, disaster, and suffering. What can we do to bring smiles to faces everywhere?

11月!暴力に対して、あなたは非暴力的な対策をいくつ提案できますか?November! How many non-violent alternatives to violence can we suggest?

10月!ポーポキは心配しています。平和な世界をつくるのに、何ができる?みんなが笑顔になるために、できることは?October! Popoki is worried. What can we do to make a peaceful world? What can we do to bring smiles to faces everywhere?

9月!ポーポキはみんなに手作りの美味しい、栄養たっぷりの食事をわけてあげたい!あなたはどんなものが食べたい? September! Popoki wants to share delicious and nutritious homemade food with everyone! What would you like to eat?

August! Popoki is worried about everyone, the animals, plants, fish and insects, too! He thinks about what he can do to protect the world!

July! Time for watermelon! Plenty for everyone so please come and join Popoki and get cool! Summer is nice, but heat waves, fires, floods and landslides are not nice at all! Popoki’s thoughts are with all those suffering and afraid - people, but plants and animals and other creatures, too!

June! Rain! But the greenery and flowers are vibrant and full of life! Popoki wants to create a world where all living things can be vibrant and full of life! Of course, he wants you to be vibrant and full of life, too!

5月!ポーポキは良いお天気を楽しみながらお野菜や花の種まきをしています。戦争で苦しんでいる人がいます。世界中の人に美味しくて安全なお野菜をお届けしたいです!May! Popoki is enjoying the good weather and planting vegetable and flower seeds. Popoki wants to deliver delicious and safe vegetables to everyone in the world!

4月!雨と緑と花がたくさんあるとポーポキはとてもよろこびます。でも、世界各地にも身近なところにも戦争や紛争、暴力が絶えません。より平和な世界を創るのに私たちはどうしたら良いでしょうか。あなたのアイデアは ?






